For those who did not know, we inform you: all modern achievements of science and technology are the merit of higher mathematics. Without complex mathematical calculations, it would not be possible to create technologies such as:
- software;
- Wi-Fi;
- Google, Yandex;
- computer games;
- mobile applications;
- digital photos;
- computers;
- smartphones, and much more.
The study and exploration of space, the creation of rockets and spacecraft, and the launching and operation of satellites are all merited by mathematics.
Closely related to mathematics are molecular biology and medicine. Many of the discoveries in genetic engineering were made possible by mathematical calculations and algorithms. The creation of most medical devices would not have been possible without mathematical knowledge.
Higher mathematics in the profession
Every other interviewee, when asked which professions are closely related to mathematics, would answer: accountants and economists. That’s right. But the list is not limited to them.
We propose to list the professions in which knowledge of higher mathematics is indispensable:
- Scientists. Regardless of the scientific profile: chemists, physicists, astronomers, biologists – all in their research use complex mathematical calculations.
- Programmers and IT specialists. All modern applications and software are created on the basis provided by higher mathematics.
- Engineers, designers, builders, and some other technical professions also cannot do without this exact science in their work.
- Analysts, marketers, managers and businessmen. Representatives of these spheres necessarily need to have knowledge in the field of modeling, forecasting and analysis – those tools, which are given by the higher mathematics.
- Traders, investors and poker players also often use mathematical algorithms in their work.
- Teachers of higher mathematics in institutions of higher learning. As a rule, they are people who are in love with science and have devoted their life to it.