The goal of the project is to help people learn new information every day and succeed in life.
For this purpose, a convenient site with online educational programs and distance courses from all over the world was created.
The site has a user-friendly design adapted to any screen size, including being easy to view from the screens of mobile devices.
Higher mathematics courses online cover material on higher mathematics courses for students in engineering, economics, biology, chemistry, and geography. Considerable attention is paid not only to the formulation and study of necessary mathematical concepts and facts, but also to the construction of mathematical models of the processes under study.
All theoretical additions to the course are illustrated with examples that facilitate the assimilation of the material. Considerable attention is paid by the authors to the formation of students’ abilities and skills of making mathematical models in economic, biological, physical, chemical and geographical sciences and the description and algorithmization of methods of their solution. We believe that this is one of the most important tasks of higher mathematics course at universities for students of non-mathematical specialties.
Our courses are designed for students of non-technical specialties as well as technical ones. There is no place for abstract theory, mysterious definitions, and frightening theorems of higher mathematics. Only comprehensible practice.
Our courses will help you gain confidence in your ability to solve at least typical practical problems, to pass the exam, and probably even help your friend to pass the exam, but ideally – to get pleasure from the learning process.
After taking our courses, you’ll be able to describe and optimize physical, economic, chemical, biological processes in mathematical language, which means you’ll be able to describe and predict … life itself – impressive, isn’t it?